I avoid labels that divide Judaism into subsets, because the reality is that Judaism is a religion with a well defined, unambiguous, and long standing set of principals, ideology, and law.
Today, as in every generation, there are short-lived off-shoots of heresy that openly reject the fundamentals of Judaism. However, identifying them by name is a doubled edged sword that misses the core point of simply identifying the obvious baseline of what is (and isn't) Judaism.
Jewish Law, and really the whole body of Jewish teachings we call the Torah, is a system of principles with a distinct methodology of answering and questions that might arise in any generation. It, Jewish Law, is an authority based system given to precedence set by previous generational rullings as well as the collective rulings of a generations leaders. That generational leadership are rabanim known as Gedolim, and they are distinct in each generation as not only individually claiming to maintain the absolute integrity of the full body of Jewish tradition and precedence, they are also outstanding in their scholarship of Jewish law, accepted by other Gedolim, and are very publicly influential to the greater Jewish community well beyond their individual circles. Additionally, their influence in Jewish legal rulings is defined by their published works that regularly "show their homework" and such publications are peer reviewed and accepted as authoritative by other Gedolim.
Anybody else, who is not of the super-special leadership club called the "Gedolim", may be a learned rabbi, may be a very pious layman, may be very influential, or may be a heretic, but none of them have the shoulders to decide law against the mainstream rulings of the Gedolim. Anyone can call into question the specifics of a ruling, but the authoritarian nature of Jewish Law concedes the final decision to each generation's sincere leaders. In fact, many Gedolim, Rav Moshe Feinstein ztz"l comes to mind, became well known enough and influential specifically because of their ability to argue on par with the rulings of contemporary leaders, that their own brilliance and integrity became established.
Since the Zionist movement started in the late 19th century, all Gedolim have fully rejected the ideology with both hands. You will not find one dissenting opinion that even begins to moderately adopt any aspect of the anti-Torah ideology called "Zionism", except for one, Rabbi A Y Kook shr"y. R' Kook was indeed one of the Gedolim until he broke rank with his contemporaries specifically regarding Zionism, and his writings were excommunicated and Kook fully lost his authority as well as his portion in the next world as an evil man. Unfortunately, he was heavily funded and propped up by the secular zionists who wielded his religious clothing to coerce non-jews and secular jews alike that the p!g of zionism was kosher. And even more unfortunatly, his influence outlived him and there are masses of laymen in Eretz Yisroel who call themselves "religious zionist" (like Jews for J) who stand on Kooks crooked shoulders.
Nonetheless, as promised in the 5 Books of Moses, the Torah of Israel will survive unadulterated by idolatry, and the Gedolim, the rabbinic leaders of each generation, have continued until today to fully reject zionism.
There are some movements and so-called "rabbis" that reject the system of Jewish Law, rejecting the 13 principals of faith and the like, and those people are (as per Judaism) not part of "Am Yisroel", regardless of their intention. These are the type of people that will claim Zionism is Judaism or vice versa, without any source in Torah while perhaps unwittingly rejecting the clear teachings opposing it by major Torah leaders.
Regarding the "Rabbinic Zionist Coalition", one must only take a look at the "about us" page of that crooked organization to see the types of "rabbis" they scrapped from the bottom of their heresy barrel. Rav Avigdor Miller ztz"l, an outspoke and very influential Rabbi in the US 50 years ago, was once asked "who is a Gadol". He said, "I'm not a Gadol! The Lubavitcher Rebbe is a Gadol, the Satmar Rebbe is a Gadol. You know who's also NOT a Gadol? someone who's name is "Jack" or "Thomas" or "Billy", that's not a Gadol!" The point being, I would add as commentary, we Jews are looking for the authentic chain of tradition from Mount Sinai into our generation. The ones who safeguard that and teach that to the exclusion of any outside influence, those are the ones we turn to for clarity of Torah. And the answers provided leave no room for doubt about zionism.